The series "Remains" is a variation of the timeless theme of Vanitas, in which the artist leaves only small remnants of a Baroque still life. Notably, for these "remains," the artist employs "cheap" materials such as children's markers, non-professional watercolor paints, and remnants of dried lithography ink. The series of monotypes are complemented by a set of ready-made objects - the artist's dresses with textured maps of 3D models of organs used in the visualization of medical educational materials. The clothing is crumpled and simultaneously represents both a sculptural form and the endpoint of action.
Remains.  Diptych, monotype,  50x60 cm each one, 2021
Remains. Diptych, monotype, 50x60 cm each one, 2021
Untitled object.1 
Silk dress, texture map, printed on silk, 2022
Untitled object.1 Silk dress, texture map, printed on silk, 2022
The red remains.
Monotype print, 100x70 cm, 2021
The red remains. Monotype print, 100x70 cm, 2021
The black remains.
Monotype, 100x70 cm, 2021
The black remains. Monotype, 100x70 cm, 2021